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Patient Testimonials

Different Than Anywhere I Had Been Before

When I was referred to The Chiropractic Co. I was suffering with headaches most days of the week. Some would turn into migraines, which made it very hard to function at work or with my family on a day to day basis. The care I received from day one was different than anywhere I had been before. They actually looked at my problems and made sure they could help me before treating me, which I really appreciated. They went over the plan step by step along with some things I could do on my own that would help, and by the end of treatment I was a new person. I have few to no headaches now. I feel like a whole new person. I can function and do things without worry of how I am going to feel. I would highly recommend The Chiropractic Co. to anyone looking to feel better and improve their life.


This Treatment has Been Life-changing for Me

I was diagnosed with Meniere’s disease back in 2014. At that time, I had never heard of Meniere’s disease and did not know of anyone else who had it. After visiting with my PCP and an ear, nose and throat specialist at the Ear Institute, I was left feeling hopeless. Without going too much into the condition, it has no known case and no known cure. In fact, my doctor told me that it’s one of those illnesses that won’t kill you, but at times, you wish it would. Out of nowhere and without warning, I would have intense bouts of vertigo, sometimes lasting several hours, which would leave me vomiting on the bathroom floor. My vision would be jagged and broken and I would break out in a cold sweat. Once the episodes were over, it would take me 8+ hours of sleep to recover and I would feel like I had been run over by a truck for several days after, not to mention the fact that I could look forward to total permanent hearing loss in my left ear. Even after my attacks were over, I would continue to suffer with tinnitus, gradual hearing loss and aural fullness 24/7. My doctors offered no real advice other than to rest, avoid stressors, and go on a low sodium diet. That medical advice was super impractical because, well… life.

I joined a Facebook group for Meniere’s sufferers and that’s where I stumbled on a post about upper cervical chiropractic care and how several members were getting relief from their Meniere’s symptoms just by getting the proper chiropractic care. I immediately started Googling for a chiropractor in Western Oklahoma who specialized in this type of treatment and I found Dr. Brooks. I scheduled a consultation with Dr. Brooks and for the first time, felt heard. He was so knowledgeable about my disease and it was apparent that he was already formulating a treatment plan for me at that initial visit. I’ve been seeing him regularly for the last several months, and while I am not completely symptom-free, he was able to verify the connection between my Meniere’s symptoms and the misalignment in my neck. This treatment has been life-changing for me. I no longer have the constant pain in my neck and shoulders, the vertigo is virtually non-existent in comparison to previous, the noise in my ear has quieted a bit and I am no longer afraid to drive or go anywhere alone out of fear that I might be a danger to myself or someone else.

Dr. Brooks has been so kind and compassionate and his optimism and determination to get my body healed is unmatched.


Relief from Pain and Having Higher Energy Naturally

Testimony Tuesday – worth the read nothing held back here! Stereotypical client here – have an issue get adjusted – get relief – and then go about my business for months at a time until I would lose sleep from pain tension and have lack of drive. Complain to my spouse about how bad I feel – repeat : get adjusted here and there and make my body fight through the pain and tension, because that’s how bodies work right? Get a little age, get a little stiffer, and get used to the pain levels. The mind and emotion can really get in the way of healing, and trust as well.

Where I’m going with this is that being a person who has lived in several states, traveled, and been around Chiropractic care most of my life. I have seen so many different techniques all were good but some others I enjoyed more. I never consistently went back to them though, being on the go made it hard, but I never forgot how each adjustment made me feel. We don’t forget how our experiences feel right? So I carried my past in with me to my appointment as any other human is programmed to do. I just walked in and painted a picture of expectations I already had from previous adjustments, without even asking or getting to know their style or as anyone, trust the fact that they know how to help me get long term benefits. That maybe their goal is…for me?

I had tweaked my neck pretty bad when I first came in, I couldn’t even straighten my shoulders or turn my head. Everything was JAMMED up so badly. I was SO miserable I just wanted relief. I WANTED the crack, pop, snap, like man handle me baby, get this jam up gone! Right? That’s what I thought I wanted to feel. I already I have stipulations and expectations. I wanted the cure all in one visit. This jam up happened over night so surely they can fix it over night. Reflecting back is always easier than looking forward – honestly. The jam up came from weeks, months, maybe years of tension, and my neck finally spit the bit, said I’m done, if you’re not going to take care of your body, I’m going to make you. Let’s be transparent; I was offended, appalled!

When Dr. MiKayla came in and was ever so sweet soft subtle and gentle. She worked on me, I got like maybe 20% of the relief I was looking for and instantly my knee jerk reaction was that’s not what I wanted, I wanted the crank the big pops! I’m tough I can take it lol. I took a deep breath and I really wanted to give these people a chance. Such great people like you can’t help but love their energy. So I decided to get myself in check TRUST the plan and the process. Technically the high pain did happen overnight, but let’s be real, I hadn’t really been taking care of my body and it being so locked up, it was stemming from other problems and the the energy circuits were shut off, and body was in overdrive. Okay… I am going for once invest in myself and do the plan, allow her to work on me and keep an open mind. I’ve never done it before like this I can’t really knock it till I try it.

I was recommended to do 2 days a week for 4 weeks, then one day a week for the next four weeks, then go from there. I even thought, “oh man they are good look at that convincing me to come in regularly.” (Our minds are so bad why do they always think the negatives?) I knew if I went ahead and paid for the package it would keep me coming in to really hold myself accountable to make myself trust the process.

For the first two weeks I was a sore mother trucker. I felt like Dr. MiKayla’s techniques, as soft and sweet and dainty as she is was, somehow was putting a whooping on my body without lifting a finger. I got a burst of energy after each reset. And then two days later muscle soreness that felt like I ran a 59-mile marathon-type soreness all over my body. Was she doing more harm than good ? Trust the process. By the third week I started noticing I was actually finally sleeping at night. Like a real rest that made me jump out of bed better than I have in a really long time. I didn’t get the midday fatigue anymore.  I had this weird long lost consistent energy? The only thing I’ve changed was being consistent on the Chiro plan.

By the fourth week my body was actually holding its adjustments longer and staying in balance better than ever before. I have mobility in my lower spine and hips that I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever felt before. I can turn my neck in ways I haven’t and my body feels like it can fold like a pretzel with no pain. It just flat-out feels good. I don’t feel drained or depressed. I feel like I can accomplish something and stay on the move. The brain fog is disappearing. I never realized how jammed up I really was and how much of a process it is to keep the body in balance. I never knew how forgiving our body can be from years worth of trauma can be helped in just a couple months.

The world we live in is a world that fights to keep us out of balance.  Tension, pressure, strains, impact, etc.  The whole goal is to have an outlet to go to that allows us to help keep our body in balance: “an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.” When the body is in balance the mind and the spirit can stay in balance. Keep your foundation from crumbling, get the movement back you need to feel better, and get back to enjoying your life with mobility agility and flexibility.

I am happy to say that I have finished my first month of care and I am so excited to see what I feel like in another month trust the process you owe it to yourself. Dr. Mikayla I hope you stand strong in your techniques and have faith in knowing how good you actually are, people who want to get better will continue to come. I can not thank you enough for the life you have helped give back to my body! Customer for life. Thank you so much for knowing your skills and how to help me. For anyone wondering, you owe it to yourself to feel good mentally and physically it’s all connected get the relief and balance you need from The Chiropractic Co.

The passion I have behind this message I will never be able to put into words. Relief from pain and having higher energy naturally was the ultimate goal and we accomplished that. I am so glad I didn’t let my mind get in the way of stopping to soon being on the other side to feel the difference I can’t express this to people enough to give it a shot…or in that matter give it a pop!


Headaches are a Thing of the Past

I wanted to sit down and take a few moments to tell my story and how Dr. Brooks has literally changed the way I live my life.

It all started when I was 18 (35 years ago). I began having headaches….headaches so bad that they would last for days and then I just finally grew used to the fact that headaches were going to always be part of my daily routine. I saw doctor after doctor (chiropractors and MDs) trying to determine the issue. I have been put on every drug you can think of from Lortab to Imitrex and nothing would help. One doctor even suggested sinus surgery so I did that and still…..major headaches.

As I grew older, I would go through periods where I would only have 2 to 3 four day headaches a month and I considered that “manageable”. Within the last few years, it started to effect my neck. Not only were my headaches keeping me in bed and keeping me from work (and play) but my neck hurt constantly. Until one day, a co-worker sought me out and told me “You HAVE to see this upper cervical chiropractor!!” and she told me her story. Although her problems were different from mine, she was very sure that he could help me.

So, I made my first appointment. This is the first time a doctor actually cared what I had to say and actually listened to the issues I was having and didn’t just throw a pill at me and say “Let’s try this”. Dr. Brooks took time with me and my husband and really listened to us and spent time reassuring us that this is not something to just give up on. He did x-rays and to my surprise discovered that at some time earlier in my life, there were signs that I had trauma to my neck. This was the first time I was aware that everything in my neck and head were completely out of alignment.

We started treatment and I have noticed so many changes that I would never relate to a neck issue. My headaches started to get better and in the six months he has been treating me, I have had two major headaches. TWO in six months….remember I was having them weekly for days!!! Not only that, but I have had gut issues for years with constant pain most every time I eat. After about 2 months of adjustments, I started to notice that my gut health was getting better and better with each treatment. I was now able to eat a complete meal and not have stomach cramps for days.

Now, with fewer to almost no headaches and gut health on the mend, Dr. Brooks took time to actually ask the questions “What hobbies do you have? How do you plan to spend your time without headaches?” I had never actually thought about life without pain and without living on ibuprofen every 4 hours. I built my whole life around thoughts like “I would say yes to that but I am not sure I will feel good enough to go”. NOW, I can say yes to things and not spend time worrying about whether or not a headache would keep me from participating.

That is what I love about Dr. Brooks. He is not only concerned with your physical health, he discusses nutrition, physical health and spiritual health. All of those things need to work together in order for our bodies to function and I am happy to say that now that headaches are a thing of the past, I am taking better care of all of the other aspects because I feel like tackling them.

I just want to say thank you to Dr. Brooks and Ashley (the best receptionist in the world!) for setting me on a trajectory of life without pain.



Testimonials | (580) 339-8078